Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

  • CPER “data” (2015-2020): This project is jointly supported by the government together with the region. The Advanced Data Science and Technology (Data) CPER project aims to conduct a research program on data intelligence at a high international level in a strong synergy with the regional economic fabric and to set up a research infrastructure in line with the associated challenges. It focuses on three areas of research: Internet of Things, Intelligence of Data and Knowledge, High Performance Computing (HPC) and Optimization, and four main levers: (i) research infrastructure, (ii) attractiveness - particularly researchers from EPST, (iii) demonstrators, (iv) Transfer for innovation to SMEs. Dolphin (N. Melab) is the scientific leader of the HPC and optimization scientific area and the research infrastructure lever (Grid'5000 part). The budget for this part is 1.2M€. C. Dhaenens is coordinator of the project for the University of Lille.

  • CPER ELSAT (2015-2019) of CPER (Contrat Plan Etat Région): transversal research action “Planning and scheduling of maintenance logistics in transportation”.